Explain why the medication would be effective. They may be triggered by stressful life events, including a loss or trauma; relationship difficulties; physical illness; or a life change such as entering ones teens, starting college, marriage or pregnancy. This therapists believes in the ______ model. 1. What anticonvulsant/mood-stabilizing medication (other than lithium) may a psychiatrist prescribe for bipolar I disorder? What is the most commonly used medication for bipolar disorder? Rates of bipolar disorder have risen dramatically in the twenty-first century, especially among ___________, a symptom of having been abused as a child. View Psychological Disorders Practice Questions (1).pdf from PSY 101 at University of Botswana-Gaborone. However, a high-risk environment, with many environmental triggers, can increase the odds of developing schizophrenia. Sickness and Health Psychological Disorders Schizophrenia Questions was first posted on January 1, 2021 at 9:20 am. Trauma and stressor-related disorders involve exposure to a stressful or … It does not involve the rapid changes in mood or identity suggested by this comparison. She is constantly late to work and her boss has threat... How are psychological disorders grouped or classified? True B. Those with____________ tend to have weight that fluctuates within or above normal ranges, Two disorders are found worldwide. no. some psychological disorders are culture-specific. To what degree must disabilities be considered and accommodated in the workplace, a healthcare setting, an emergency situation, and an educational setting? A lawyer is distressed by feeling the need to wash his hands 100 times a day. Those with __________ symptoms are likely to experiences delusions and to be diagnosed with_________ schizophrenia, which is much more likely to respond to drug therapy. Oh no! "A first step in study of psychological disorder is carefully and systematically discerning significant signs and symptoms. Is schizophrenia a psychological disorder? The learning perspective attempts to explain these symptoms as behaviors that have been reinforced by relieving anxiety in the past. The whole body is involved. Eating disorders have many causes. (a) is a symptom of major depression (b) can include delusional thinking or hallucinations (c) does not occur in cyclothymia (d) is a sad mood state. Schizophrenia involves the altered perceptions, emotions, and behaviors of a mind split from reality. You can choose any disorder from your textbook and our lesson, and answer the questions below. Her family consulted a therapist, who diagnosed her as having __________-_________ disorder. 1. Identify the following condition/disorder described by the statements below. Access the answers to hundreds of Psychological disorders questions that are explained in a way that's easy for you to understand. What does this tell us about the relationship of the individual self & society? it is almost never reported outside North America. What is Thomas Szasz's approach to psychological disorders? Recent critics suggest the DSM-5 casts too wide a net on disorders, pathologbizing normal behavior. He has no time left to meet with clients, and his colleagues are wondering about his competence. If a person is focusing anxiety on specific feared objects or situations, that person may have a ________. 20 c. 8 d. 10. Schizophrenia does not involve split personality. Social-cognitive factors also matter, including the interaction of explanatory style, mood, our responses to stressful experiences, and changes in our patterns of thinking and behaving. inflexible and enduring behavior patterns that impair social functioning. The "gender gap" in depression refers to the finding that _________ risk of depression is nearly double that of _________. Browse through all study tools. Other disorders, such as schizophrenia, are universal -- occurring in all cultures. Schizophrenia. Explain whether or not the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) sertraline (Zoloft) is appropriate in the treatment of PTSD. What is susto, and is this a culture-specific or universal psychological disorder? The mental illness test comprises of 4 sections with short personality questions that cover most significant signs a person suffering from mental illness experiences. A person’s tendency to become addicted to a drug depends not only on the properties of the drug but also on the reason the person uses the drug. Anna's behavior is unusual, causes her distress, and may make her a few minutes late on occasion, but it does not appear to significantly disrupt her ability to function. The type of psychologist who usually works in a mental health clinic, mental hospital, or prison is called a(n). A. Biological basis of schizophrenia. Examples of mental illness include depression, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, eating disorders and addictive behaviors.Many people have mental health concerns from time to time. Is the statement true or false? One predictor of psychiatric disorders that crosses ethnic and gender lines is_________. D. People who have panic disorder are often disabled by the condition; they avoid normal activities of … View Psychological Disorders_short answer questions.docx from PSYCH APP1012 at Victoria University. Explain the three most critical issues for a researcher to consider in a psychological disorder. Why is the DSM, and the DSM-5 in particular, considered controversial ? What are the problems with classification in psychology? Categories of mental disorders. ... paying special attention to the specified time period to which the questions refer. If this is valid you can test at what level you have confronted with such signs so that you can concentrate on the problems that bother you. Is this an accurate comparison? What is the role of culture and society in the prevalence and stigmatization of psychological disorders? Victor exclaimed, " The weather has been so schizophrenic lately: It's hot one day and freezing the next!" 3. Who Put the 'H' in AD/HD? Dissociative identity disorder is controversial because ___________. What is obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)? PET scans of murders' brains have revealed __________. In adults: Confused thinking; Long-lasting sadness or irritability; Extreme highs and lows in mood The specific causes of psychological disorders are not known, but contributing factors may include chemical imbalances in the brain, childhood experiences, heredity, illnesses, prenatal exposures, and stress. How do biological and psychological factors contribute to antisocial personality disorder? Marina became consumed with the need to clean the entire house and refused to participate in any other activities. Sciences, Culinary Arts and Personal Chances for recovery from schizophrenia are best when________. Get help with your Psychological disorders homework. A. Hypochondriasis B. Dissociative disorder C. Delirium tremens D. Mania, According to sociologist John Lee, which style of love is characterized by obsessiveness, possessiveness, and intense dependency? Here you'll find in-depth mental health information including care, and various mental health conditions. Dr. Phelps believes that psychological disorders are influenced by genetic predispositions and physiological states. Those with symptoms of recurring memories and nightmares, social withdrawal, jumpy anxiety, numbness of feeling, and/or insomnia for weeks after a traumatic event may be diagnosed with ___________________ ______________ disorder. How are personality disorders different from other psychological disorders? therapists and others use disorder labels to communicate with one another using a common language, and to share concepts during research. What are the main symptoms of Munchausen syndrome? Imagine that you were diagnosed with a psychological disorder of your choice. A Tale of Two Cities Frankenstein Hamlet Lord of the Flies Things Fall Apart. The term psychopathology can also refer to the manifestation of a psychological disorder. What is obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)? Psychologists who emphasize the importance of negative perceptions, beliefs, and thoughts in depression are working within the ________-________ perspective. We may have the wrong biology. Mental illness can be caused by what we are physically. What is the difference between bibliophile and bibliomania? How is adaptive behavior typically assessed? twin and adoption studies show that biological relatives of people with this disorder are at increased risk for antisocial behavior. A person with schizophrenia who has_______ symptoms may have an expressionless face and toneless voice. Try this amazing Psychological Disorders / Practice Multiple Choice 2 quiz which has been attempted 3433 times by avid quiz takers. Psychological Disorders Q&A GENERALISED ANXIETY DISORDER Persistent high levels of … Those who express anxiety through unwanted receptive thoughts or actions may have a ____________-____________ disorder. Psychological disorders. bulimia is marked by weight fluctuations within or above normal ranges. A therapist says that psychological disorders are sicknesses and people with these disorders should be treated as patients in a hospital. Introduction to mental disorders. Psychological Disorders 1. These unhealthy behaviors and preoccupations develop into a ruling passion interfering with physical, psychological and social well-being. Psychological Disorders. Provide an overview of psychological disorders & explain why society is compelled to classify such. in children, mental disorders manifest in a change of behavior, change in sleeping patterns, slow growth rate, poor or drop in school performance, aggressiveness, and isolating behaviors are … Treatment for depression often includes drugs the increase supplies of the neurotransmitters _________ and ___________. She usually gets out of the car once or twice to inspect her distance both from the curb and from the nearby cars. Everyone has an opinion … An episode of intense dread, accompanied by trembling, dizziness, chest pains, or choking sensations and by feelings of terror, is called___________. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. The dangers of labeling people are that people may begin to act as they have been labeled, and the labels can trigger assumptions that will change our behavior toward those we label. Which of the following statements is true of bulimia nervosa? The following is a list of general symptoms that may suggest a mental health disorder, particularly when multiple symptoms are expressed at once. Stress-Related Disorders. Poverty-related stresses can help trigger disorders, but disabling disorders can also contribute to poverty. These may include, for example, a check of your thyroid function or a screening for alcohol and drugs. Go ahead and submit it to our experts to be answered. Practice: Psychological Disorders Questions. Over the last 12 months, how frequently have you felt alone or lonely? The psychodynamic and learning perspectives agree that dissociative identity disorder symptoms are ways of dealing with anxiety. lower-than-normal activation in the frontal lobes. What factors contribute to the onset and development of schizophrenia? The learning perspective proposes that phobias are _________. How can we, as a society help those with psychological disorders overcome the stigma? Young adults between 18 to 34 reported the poorest mental health of those surveyed, as well as the most shame around mental health disorders. Q: What causes mental illness? In the absence of a mental health checkup, subsequent psychological disorder diagnosis, and eventual overall health treatment, individuals often feel helpless because they often confuse addiction as … Lab tests. Google Classroom Facebook Twitter. What is post traumatic stress disorder? The condition where a person exhibits 'many personalities' is known as dissociative identity disorder. Get help with your Psychological disorders homework. A person with positive symptoms of schizophrenia is most likely to experience ____________. All rights reserved. 10 questions. Different modes of psychotherapy focus variously on emotional experience, cognitive processing, and overt behaviour. Because the anxiety disorders share many common signs and symptoms, it is imperative to conduct a thorough assessment to establish the primary diagnosis. Question: While Psychological Disorders Still Have A Stigma, Steps Have Been Taken By Some Individuals To Help Others Understand The Disorders A Little Better. critics have expressed concerns about the negative effects of the DSM's labeling. Is hypochondria a symptom of bipolar disorder? A psychological evaluation. This is a quick personality test made to help determine if you experience mental illness symptoms. What does this observation suggest? Detailed questions and answers about significant themes, symbols, characters in Psychological Disorders. ", many factors contribute to depression, including the biological influences of genetics and brain function. A physical exam. Anxiety that takes the form of an irrational and maladaptive fear of a specific object, activity, or situation is called a ___________. some psychological disorders are culture-specific. Symptoms of mental health disorders vary depending on the type and severity of the condition. Unfocused tension, apprehension, and arousal are symptoms of _________ ___________ disorder. In any given year, just over % of Americans are diagnosed with a psychological disorder. Are psychological disorders universal, or are they culture-specific? 27% of this age group reported poor or fair mental health, compared with 20% of 35 to 64-year-olds and 4% of those 65 and older. Thus, poverty and disorder are often a chicken-and-egg situation, and it's hard to know which came first. It is culture-specific to Latin America. Mental health disorders affect an estimated 22% of American adults each year. A psychological disorder is a condition characterized by abnormal thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Introduction to mental disorders. Menu. Psychology Class 12 textbook Multiple Choice questions and board question pappers solved, Chapter wise Questions and Answers. Which of the following is NOT identified as a risk factor for psychological disorder? Once all the questions are answered, by simply pressing the “Get Results!” the assessment will count how many of t… A severe disorder in which the person suffers from disordered thinking, bizarre behavior, and hallucinations, and i... Identify models used to explain psychological disorders. What are the symptoms of apotemnophilia syndrome? To ensure the best experience, please update your browser. The... Mania is the opposite of depression. Common Psychological Disorders Frequently Affect Substance Abuse Patients. These symptoms are most common with___________ schizophrenia and are not likely to respond to drug therapy. Verna makes a living by commercial fishing in a river allegedly polluted by Wall Paint Company. Which of the following statements regarding criteria for determining abnormal behavior One is schizophrenia, and the other is__________. Earn Transferable Credit & Get your Degree, Connor is diagnosed with bipolar disorder. The symptoms of ___________ appear around age 10; _____________ tends to appear later, around age 25. A doctor or mental health professional talks to you about your symptoms, thoughts, feelings and behavior patterns. An eating disorder may develop in association with another psychiatric illness such as a depressive disorder, obsessive-compulsive disord… Other disorders, such as … Dr. Phelps believes in a _____ model. Your doctor will try to rule out physical problems that could cause your symptoms. How might psychological disorders affect a person's behavior in the workplace and/or their ability to be employed? Many psychologists reject the "disorders-as-illness" view and instead contend that other factors may also be involved--for example, the person's bad habits and poor social skills. Paris Syndrome – A disorder that only affects Japanese nationals and it can occur when they visit … His behavior would probably be labeled disordered, because it is ________________ - that is, it interferes with his day-today life. Mental disorders can affect anyone in the society; old and young, gender, etc. Explain how psychological disorders relate to collaborative workplace processes? Can psychological problems cause physical pain? Test your understanding with practice problems and step-by-step solutions. biological factors include inherited temperament differences and other gene variations; learned fears that have altered brain pathways; and outdated, inherited responses that had survival value for our distant ancestors, What does it mean to say that "depression is a whole-body disorder? no. Joy tells you that since everyone is dressed in formal clothing and there are an altar and a cake, t... A woman drives 45 minutes out of her way to work, and 45 minutes out of her way home from work to avoid the place she was held up at gunpoint. a. social conditions such as poverty b. family factors such as marital strife c. biological factors such as inh... Identify the major types of drugs used to treat psychological disorders. A: There are three main causes of mental illness: what we are (we have the wrong biology), what we do (we have wrong lives), and what others do to us (others wrong us). What biological factors also contribute to these disorders? biological factors include abnormalities in brain structure and function, prenatal exposure to a maternal virus, and a genetic predisposition to the disorder. How do their explanations differ? The psychodynamic explanation of DID symptoms is that they are defenses against anxiety generated by unacceptable urges. a. How does the connectivity between distinct functional modules of biological interaction (proteins, lipids, transcriptomes) change with respect to mental illness in the brain? Can depression and anxiety be a disability? Those who experience unpredictable periods of terror and intense dread, accompanied by frightening physical sensations, may be diagnosed with a ___________ disorder. 2. Psychological Disorders Questions. What is the value, and what dangers, of labeling individuals with disorders? Biological basis of depression. Negative environmental factors, such as poverty or childhood abuse, may channel genetic traits such as fearlessness in more dangerous directions-- toward aggression and away from social responsibility, People with _________ continue to want to lose weight even when they are underweight. What is the relationship between poverty and psychological disorders? Despite the best efforts of psychologists, psychiatrists, and medical researchers, why do psychological disorders appear to be as prevalent today as they ever were if not more so? 12. a. storge b. eros c. mania d. ludus, Neurological cretinism is characterized by: a. brisk reflexes b. husky voice c. severe growth retardation d. epiphyseal digenesis. Also explore over 7 similar quizzes in this category. According to the NIMH Major Depressive Disorder is one of the most common mental disorders affecting more than 15 million adults in the United States (~6.7% of the population). Mental Health Questions (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2013) Over the last 12 months, how frequently have you felt so worried about something that you were unable to sleep at night? To determine a diagnosis and check for related complications, you may have: 1. Suggestions Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Clients may benefit from knowing that they are not the only ones with these symptoms. Psychiatrists and psychologists label behavior as disordered when it is, Create an account to browse all assets today, Psychological Disorders Questions and Answers, Biological and Biomedical People with schizophrenia may hear voices urging self-destruction, an example of a __________. Can't find the question you're looking for? This is the currently selected item. Narcissistic Personality Disorder (6.2%) The true narcissist is much different than the individual who … It looks like your browser needs an update. Identify biological, environmental, and cognitive-behavioral causes of psychological disorders. Mental illness, also called mental health disorders, refers to a wide range of mental health conditions — disorders that affect your mood, thinking and behavior. What symptoms might you... A client comes to your office and tells you that they recently stopped taking their mood stabilizer in favor of an "exciting new all-natural supplement" that they just bought off the internet. 25 b. His psychiatrist is most likely to prescribe what type of medication to treat his disorder? For example, anorexia nervosa occurs mostly in North American cultures, and taijin-kyofusho appears largely in Japan. to identify any biological or psychological processes that may be involved in APD: d) All of the above : Correct! What is post traumatic stress disorder? The post Sickness and Health Psychological Disorders Schizophrenia Questions appeared first on Submit Your Homeworks. © copyright 2003-2021 Study.com. What are the different types of personality disorders? Eating Disorders; Personality. Email. Anxiety disorders and obsessive compulsive disorder. Services, Working Scholars® Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community. Take this self-assessment test to see if you could benefit from the treatment and support of a mental … You and your friend Joy are walking through a park when you see a bunch of people wearing suits. Psychopathology is the study of psychological disorders, including their symptoms, etiology (i.e., their causes), and treatment. To bring a suit against Wall Paint on the ground of private nuisance, Verna must allege that she suff... Lithium is used for what type of condition in a mentally ill patient? a. Librium b. lithium c. Prozac d. Valium, Mania [{Blank}]. A personality disorder, such as antisocial personality, is characterized by ___________. Which of the following is a psychotic disorder that is characterized by patients who lose touch with … For example, anorexia nervosa occurs mostly in North American cultures, and taijin-kyofusho appears largely in Japan. For Example, Photographer John William Keedy Captured Images To Express Anxiety Disorders, OCD, And Varied Neuroses In "Photos Reveal What It's Like To Have Anxiety Issues". Researchers believe that conditioning and cognitive processes contribute to anxiety disorders, OCD, and PTSD. What is the biopsychosocial approach, and why is it important in our understanding of psychological disorders? Tough, 10 Qns, ing, May 13 05. What is the most prevalent grouping of psychological disorders? susto is a condition marked by severe anxiety, restlessness, and fear of black magic. Practice: Psychological Disorders Questions. viewed as unusual because most people have only one type of psychological problem given a preliminary diagnosis of hypochondria because very few people would have so many psychological problems A mental health professional is doing research on the process of identifying and grouping mental disorders that have similar symptoms. Another important group of treatments is the psychotherapies, which seek to treat mental disorders by psychological means and which involve verbal communication between the patient and a trained person in the context of a therapeutic interpersonal relationship between them. This broad perspective helps us understand that our well-being is affected by our genes, brain functioning, inner thoughts and feelings, and the influences of our social and cultural environment. Anna is embarrassed that it takes her several minutes to parallel park her car. False. Search all of SparkNotes Search. Should she worry about having a psychological disorder? biological, psychological, and social-cultural influences combine to produce psychological disorders. This view represents the _______ approach. Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD): A personality disorder, the main features of which are an enduring disregard for, and violation of the rights of others. 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