What is a Declarative sentence? If his reactions were any indication, the same was true for him. And yet, she feared what that would mean. 3. He has climbed this country's highest mountain, canoed across the continent, and hiked through the Amazon jungle. Success is a journey. The old adage is true: There really is no such thing as a free lunch. Dreams sometimes come true. Neither of them had been being true to themselves. Perhaps the most interesting proof that bowls is a true Volksspiel is to be found in the fact that it has become municipalized. "Traditional attempts to define the sentence were generally either psychological or logical-analytic in nature: the former type spoke of 'a complete thought' or some other inaccessible psychological phenomenon; the latter type, following Aristotle, expected to find every sentence made up of a logical subject and logical predicate, units that themselves rely on the sentence for their definition. And indeed, this is true of the language of all children. Thus, by the end of his seventeenth year his apprenticeship of study was There is, however, one true nest-building parrot, the greybreasted parrakeet (Myopsittacus monachus), which constructs a huge nest of twigs. If it is true that the violin is the most perfect of musical instruments, then Greek is the violin of human thought. TO MRS. LAURENCE HUTTON 12 Newbury Street, Boston, January 17, 1899. 1. None of this made sense, yet it had to be true for him to be this distraught. His exact words weren't important – especially because they weren't true. Is it true that Moscow is called 'Holy Moscow'? Substitute 4 1/2 for g. 3. f/4 < 2. Sonya felt that this was true: that the only possibility of retrieving the Rostovs' affairs was by Nicholas marrying a rich woman, and that the princess was a good match. To know one's self is true progress. the youngest polyp of the system is the one nearest to the topmost polyp; and the axis of the system is a true axis. If he reports that our losses were great, it is not true; perhaps about four thousand, not more, and not even that; but even were they ten thousand, that's war! That might be true, but for some reason Alex felt he needed to protect her. In the second place, though it is true that the persecutions indicated by Celsus (Origen, Celsus, viii. On being cut or broken the flesh of a true mushroom remains white or nearly so, the flesh of the coarser horse mushroom changes to buff or sometimes to dark brown. Eventually he was able to prove that the biological doctrine of omnis cellula ecellula applies to pathological processes as well as to those of normal growth, and in his famous book on Cellular-pathologic, published at Berlin in 1858, he established what Lord Lister described as the "true and fertile doctrine that every morbid structure consists of cells which have been derived from pre-existing cells as a progeny.". He'd never tried to raise her as a true daughter. These are true allies, unlike the others? She harbored suspicions as a result of Howie's dreams and wanted to know if they were true. All the views he formed of men and circumstances at this time remained true for him always. Ophelia in Hamlet by William Shakespeare "Neither boy spoke." He could defend many institutions better than any philosopher, because, in describing them as they concerned him, he gave the true reason for their prevalence, and speculation had not suggested to him any other. What he said is not true. If the adopted child discovered his true parents and wanted to return to them, his eye or tongue was torn out. Cynthia gave him a quick look but Effie seemed unaffected by his sharp but true criticism. That's true, but they do attack humans on occasion. The assessed valuation of property in the city in 1905 was $115,338,920 (about the true value), and the bonded debt $1,079,595. The reports which you have read in the paper about me are not true at all. The term oxymoron is derived from the Greek words oxys and moroswhich means “sharp” and “dull” respectively. "Natalya Ilynichna," Pierre began, dropping his eyes with a feeling of pity for her and loathing for the thing he had to do, "whether it is true or not should make no difference to you, because...". What he said was not true. 19 examples: In the process, the student awakens to the beauty of true friendship, dignity… I ate dinner. Alex had been the one who helped her see them as true family, and yet he was having issues accepting his own father. It was true that she was more concerned about the safety of others than her own, but wasn't everyone? Pierre admitted that it was true, and from that was gradually led by Princess Mary's questions and especially by Natasha's into giving a detailed account of his adventures. To me, the true Annie makes her more human, even more than before. Some writers, even of good reputation, have held that the blue is the true body colour of the air, or of some ingredient in it such as ozone. True to his word, he'd rather not know any answers than lie to inquisitors. Let our lakes receive as true names at least as the Icarian Sea, where "still the shore" a "brave attempt resounds.". We know all this is true because we see signs of it already. Richard Strauss, in his edition of Berlioz's works on Instrumentation, paradoxically characterizes the classical orchestral style as that which was derived from chamber-music. If that's true, why would Death promise to bring her back? The same is true in the case of a liquid such as water; it can be divided into drops and these again into smaller drops, or into the finest spray the particles of which are too small to be detected by our unaided vision. Shall we with pains erect a heaven of blue glass over ourselves, though when it is done we shall be sure to gaze still at the true ethereal heaven far above, as if the former were not? 2. From this position it easily followed that actions, being merely external, were morally indifferent, and that the true Gnostic should abandon himself to every lust with perfect indifference. is a true reflection of. In eternity there is indeed something true and sublime. - In the Hydromedusae the medusa-individual occurs, as already stated, in one of two conditions, either as an independent organism leading a true life c2 a2 in the open seas, or as a subordinate individuality in the hydroid c colony, from which it is never set free; it then becomes a mere reproductive appendage or gono- phore, losing suc FIG. A more directly religious element, it is true, was introduced by the practice of attending the synagogue service; but it is to be The grammatical inflexions of the word "Sabbath" would show that it is a feminine form, properly shabbat-t for shabbat-t. And we know the thing is true, because since the time of that interview there is no piglet to be found anywhere. 9 is an even number. Acquaintances were shallow and many, but if a person had one true friend in a lifetime, they were blessed. Naturalists who deal specially with museum collections have been compelled, it is true, for other reasons to attach an increasing importance to what is called the type specimen, but they find that this insistence on the individual, although invaluable from the point of view of recording species, is unsatisfactory from the point of view of scientific zoology; and propositions for the amelioration of this condition of affairs range from a refusal of Linnaean nomenclature in such cases, to the institution of a division between master species for such species as have been properly revised by the comparative morphologist, and provisional species for such species as have been provisionally registered by those working at collections. I didn't plan any of it, but all of a sudden, there you are, every dream you ever imagined staring you smack in the face—unbelievable options—every kid's fantasy come true. Your dreams have come true. True definition is - being in accordance with the actual state of affairs. Examples of true love in a sentence, how to use it. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. The seeds of the cryptogams or flowerless plants are not true seeds and are properly designated "spores.". Hold-true sentence examples. These are among the tried-and-true financial rules consumers have been told to live by for years. The true home of this deer has never been ascertained, and probably never will be; all the few known specimens now living being kept in confinement - the great majority in the duke of Bedford's park at Woburn, Bedfordshire. Imperative Sentence Examples; You get out of breath because reading run-on sentences can be lengthy and the words are not properly put together. Writing for other people, she should in many cases be true to outer fact rather than to her own experience. That's what interests me about this story (which may or may not be purely true): What Simonides did—recalling the names and locations of everyone at a large banquet—is described as entirely possible and an enviable, practical skill. I believe now the rumors were true, Darian said, at peace after his trip to the immortal world. Her expression confessed that the first statement was true, though. The act was strongly opposed by the government of Queensland, and the question was raised as to whether it was based on a true interpretation of the constitution. Not merely is it not hostile to government, but it is a society of true conservatives--a society of gentlemen in the full meaning of that word. If what Wynn said was true, Gabriel needed as much time as he could find to figure out how to save her. Examples: 1.Ram said to Peter that the school bell rang at 4 PM. It is now known, however, that they were true Arabs - as the proper names on their inscriptions show - who had come under Aramaic influence. 3. That's too good to be true. The good news, though, is that this does not hold true for all suits. Actually, he had simply displayed his true feelings. When we use short sentences in both speaking and writing, the words we say and write will both be easily remembered and understood. Love is the true price of love. Examples of True in a sentence. The prospect was so splendid that she hardly believed it would come true, so out of keeping was it with the chill darkness and closeness of the carriage. Substitute 8 for x. Assuming this is true, what was the price? The flow of communication will be smooth because using long sentences will often result to the receiver of the message having a … It was true that a view over nearly the whole Russian position and the greater part of the enemy's opened out from this battery. In the majority of ferns, at a higher level, after the stele has increased greatly in diameter, a large-celled true pith or medulla, resembling the cortex in its characters, and quite distinct from conjunctive, from which it is separated by an internal endodernlis, appears in the centre. It is here that she shows her true originality and by these she will chiefly live. We are most interested when science reports what those men already know practically or instinctively, for that alone is a true humanity, or account of human experience. The thermal G G detectors are especially useful for the purpose of quantitative measurements, because they indicate the true effective or square root of mean square value of the current or train of oscillations passing through the hot wire. is a true bard of. In higher forms the conducting strands of the leaves are continued downwards into the stem, and eventually come into connection with the central hydrom cylinder, forming a complete cylindrical investment apparently distinct from the latter, and exhibiting a differentiation into hydrom, leptom and amylom which almost completely parallels that found among the true vascular plants. Denisov, with sparkling eyes and ruffled hair, sat at the clavichord striking chords with his short fingers, his legs thrown back and his eyes rolling as he sang, with his small, husky, but true voice, some verses called "Enchantress," which he had composed, and to which he was trying to fit music: If it is true that Monsieur Denisov has made you a proposal, tell him he is a fool, that's all! He regarded the world as formed by inferior spirits who are out of harmony with the supreme unity, knowledge of which is the true Gnosis. It is therefore profoundly true, as observed by S. Yet Cromwell's monument is not altogether misplaced in such surroundings, for in him are found the true principles of piety, of justice, of liberty and of governance. A closed sentence is always true (or always false). Later, in 374, he made peace with their king, Macrianus, who from that time remained a true friend of the Romans. As she thought of Toby, she wondered how much of what Kris said was true. The pope insisted upon the tax being collected according to the true value, and Boiamund returned to Scotland to superintend its collection. 20 examples: Could this form of 'spatialisation' be ignored as inessential to the music's… If the Bell has been rung really at 4 PM then what Ram said was a true sentence. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Examples of true intention in a sentence, how to use it. Moscow was burned by its inhabitants, it is true, but by those who had abandoned it and not by those who remained in it. True feelings lay hidden in the wonder of what we'd accomplished. They reveal to us the true and better side of George Sand, the loyal and devoted friend, the mother who under happier conditions might have been reputed a Roman matron. Its hip up north " It's grim up North " became a catchphrase that many in the South still hold true. It is true that I have been asleep, but I know nothing about this money. I don't know what's true about Darian destroying a world, but the Others would do everything they could to destroy ours. Of course, he couldn't know the true source of her tears... That was true enough, but maybe it wouldn't happen that way. True coral needs no painter's brush. You're my only true ally of any influence with the Council. The fruits do not yield their true flavor to the purchaser of them, nor to him who raises them for the market. 2. The native idea, which may be true, is that the shorter period occurs in the case of female and the longer in that of male calves. 4 + x = 12. What makes you think you're saying is true? Acquaintances were shallow and many, but if a person had one true friend in a lifetime, they were blessed. She had always loved horses, and a horse ranch had been a dream she knew would never come true. If what I believe is true, I will find a way to deal with Sirian. Open: A sentence is open when it is not known if it is true or false. Having been taught that there is no absolutely true religion, Mendelssohn's own descendants - a brilliant circle, of which the musician Felix was the most noted - left the Synagogue for the Church. True to form, he showed no reaction to the surprise visitor as he casually flipped on the switch, flooding the room in light. Sentence Examples And while it is true that Frank Auerbach's portraits are not likenesses in any conventional sense, that is probably the least significant fact about them. The demon does not care for him, either, and tells me stories too frightening to be true. If a piece of bark and cortex are torn off, the occlusion takes longer, because the tissues have to creep over the exposed area of wood; and the same is true of a transverse cut severing the branch, as may be seen in any properly pruned tree. He desired England to be everywhere the protector of the oppressed and the upholder of "true religion. In spite of legendary accretions we can still discern the true outlines and significance of his life. (absolute, real, honest) " Please tell the court the whole truth. Maybe... but something about him rang true – mostly the part that he had saved her life. I searched in the washings for a diamond and found it myself--the only true diamond, they said, that was ever found in the United States. His words struck her as true; they were the same doubts she'd had about Gabriel since she met him. I'd say that's true, but I don't think him capable of walking away from a duty so great. If it was true, he was certainly different than Alex in that way. In habits these rodents appear to be very similar to the true flying-squirrels. Now it, is true that in Haydn's early days orchestras were small and generally private; and that the styles of orchestral and chamber music were not distinct; but surely nothing is clearer than that the whole history of the rise of classical chamber-music lies in its rapid differentiation from the coarse-grained orchestral style with which it began. Even with the particles retarding the motion of the aether, the same will be true if, to counterbalance the increased inertia, suitable forces are caused to act on the aether at all points where the inertia is altered. Give me the poverty that enjoys true wealth. 10 - 1 = 8 . is a true reaffirmation of. Children, who play life, discern its true law and relations more clearly than men, who fail to live it worthily, but who think that they are wiser by experience, that is, by failure. If it was all true, Lori was really messed up. We're about to make your dreams come true. It is true that the killing of the god plays a prominent part in primitive cults, as has been shown more particularly through the valuable researches of J. Many instances are on record where mushroom-beds have been invaded by a growth of strange fungi and the true mushrooms have been ousted to the advantage of the new-comers. It is very common on the coasts of Europe and eastern North America, but its flesh is much less esteemed than that of the true Gadi. Hunter states that the Dravidian tribes were driven southwards in Hindustan, and that the grammatical relations of their dialects are " expressed by suffixes," which is true as to the Australian languages. One book of the second edition of the Scienza nuova is devoted to "The Discovery of the True Homer.". That could be true, but I don't think so, for reasons laid out in the chapter on scarcity. You could have hurt her before realizing she is your one true love. is a true friend of. True to my assignment, I recorded movements and time until Quinn's voice from below broke the silence. In the darkness of his cell, he admitted this was true, but he also knew no one could've saved his brother but him. If Dustin's words were true, she'd never be welcomed into the home of any of Damian's people, not if they feared the sight of her! Worse—he saw in her mind that what she said was true. Examples of true identity in a sentence, how to use it. (I) True fission or longitudinal division of an individual into two equal and similar daughter-individuals is not common but occurs in Gastroblasta, where it has been described in detail by Arnold Lang [30]. , In class were learning about the difference between what is true and what is not based on facts. These people belong to the race which would seem to be the true aboriginal stock of southern Asia. I didn't believe it at first either, but It's true. These fibre-tracheids are easily confused on superficial view with the true wood-fibres belonging to the parenchymatous system; but their pits are always bordered, though in the extreme type they are reduced to mere slits in the wall. That is true, but still why didn't you capture him? Examples of true friendship in a sentence, how to use it. Of this our true individual life, our present life is a glimpse, a fragment, a hint, and in its best moments a visible beginning. True to his word, Dean refrained from questioning Jennifer. That's true but the electrostatic attraction is something we're just beginning to understand. 4 + 4 = 5 . The same deposits have yielded remains of small mammals whose dentition approximates more nearly to that of either polyprotodont marsupials or insectivores; and these may be conveniently noticed here without prejudice to their true affinities. As for lodging, it is true they were but poorly entertained, though what they found an inconvenience was no doubt intended for an honor; but as far as eating was concerned, I do not see how the Indians could have done better. It cannot justly be said that the companies made large profits while neglecting to develop the services adequately, but it is true that they were not able commercially to comply with many of the demands made upon them by the public. Its true meaning was not lost upon a business community that had had twenty years of almost unchecked prosperity. The structure of the stomata of the sporophyte of vascular plants is fundamentally the same as that of the stomata on the sporogonium of the true mosses and of the liverwort A nihoceros. When reason rises to the conception of universal order, when actions are submitted, by the exercise of a sympathy working necessarily and intuitively to the idea of the universal order, the good has been reached, the true good, good in itself, absolute good. It was nowhere near as large as their true home but was comfortable and well-maintained, an adequate place for him, his sisters, and now his lifemate. is a true leader of. True to his word, Jonny left Xander's at the fifty-eight minute mark. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. This was specially true of the Reformers in Switzerland, France, Scotland, Holland and in some parts of Germany. I didn't plan any of it, but all of a sudden, there you are, every dream you ever imagined staring you smack in the face—unbelievable options—every kid's fantasy come true. The story of his disgust when he found that Queen Christina devoted some time every day to the study of Greek under the tuition of Vossius is at least true in substance.'. He watched her throughout the night's activities, seeking to judge whether Mansr's parting words were true. True to his word, Quinn had packed everything he needed, called a shipper, and sent his equipment off, overnight express. An oxymoron (usually referred to as oxymorons or oxymora in its plural form) is a type of figure of speech in which a set of contradictory terms are put together to create a rhetorical effect. A true sentence is one which is factually correct. It is true, I fear, that others may have fallen into it, and so helped to keep it open. This was true, although we were at a loss to understand how she guessed it. All these methods warm chiefly by means of convected heat, the amount of true radiation from the pipes being small. Tell me a true story. Involuntarily recalling his wife's past and her relations with Dolokhov, Pierre saw clearly that what was said in the letter might be true, or might at least seem to be true had it not referred to his wife. Today, that is vastly more true and widespread. When you first started learning English, you may have memorized words such as: English meaning of the word “true-to-life”; But now that you have a better understanding of the language, there’s a better way for you to learn meaning of “true-to-life” through sentence examples. It seems almost too good to be true, does it not? The maiden name of the poet's mother was Mary Arden, and this name, that of an ancient county family, survives in the district north-west of Stratford, the Forest of Arden, though the true forest character is long lost. Sometimes, it is true, a sense of isolation enfolds me like a cold mist as I sit alone and wait at life's shut gate. "Very true," returned the Woggle-Bug, bowing. he shouted through the doorway after Pierre, "is it true that the countess has fallen into the clutches of the holy fathers of the Society of Jesus?". It was true, but she had never thought of it before. However, his opponents are convinced that even in true-blue East Hampshire Tory popula Cambridge Dictionary +Plus. Then he called his wisest men together and asked them, "Is it really true that the first people in the world were Egyptians?". Writers have been using simple sentences as long as people have been writing. The tried-and-true auction site is probably the best place to sell your video games. He had expressed an opinion that the true art of memory was not to be gained by technical devices, but by a philosophical apprehension of things; and the cardinal de Berulle, the founder of the Congregation of the Oratory, was so struck by the tone of the remarks as to impress upon the speaker the duty of spending his life in the examination of truth. If what she said were true, the oasis around them was on fire. On the question of how far the effects are due to conduction between the earth plates, and how far to true electromagnetic induction, authorities differ, some being of opinion that the two effects are in operation together. If false, find a value that would result in a true number sentence. 1 The will, therefore, as being more originative, has more to do with true or false judgments than the understanding. The true love-birds (Agapornis) may also be said to build nests, for they line their nest-hole with strips of pliant bark. (absolutely, completely, perfectly, quite, totally, definitely, actually, really, indeed, in fact) " The rumors are not at all true. True to his word, when informed of our decision, he immediately put the gears in motion. "That is true," agreed the Wizard, "and as the river seems to be flowing in the direction of the Pyramid Mountain it will be the easiest way for us to travel.". Suppose Alfred Nota and his pal Homer's break-in at Collingswood Avenue was just a cover-up and their true mission was to plant a listening device. a. "Very true," declared the Wizard, nodding at her. True to his word, he was aggressive without hurting her. (truth, secret) " She told him the awful truth about his best friend. This story is true. "If she knows the true story about Annie, she's sure keeping it to herself," Fred muttered as he stacked the breakfast dishes. True, they were broken and stammering syllables; but they were human speech. "I am the only man in the world who can paint a picture so true to life," he said. It was true, if not complete in its information. Rhyn saw enough to see that what his brother said was true. - Nothing can… 1. All that was true enough, but remaining bitter about it wasn't going to improve their relationship. Yet till this is otherwise we are not civilized, and, if gentlemen and ladies, are not true men and women. This was in many cases true, and it is equally true that Mozart and Haydn often had no scruple in following the customs of very bad composers. However, these opposite words don’t always have to appear side by side. It sounded far too good to be true, especially since Darkyn knew who she was and what he might extort out of Gabriel to have his mate returned. It was well known during the middle ages, and was largely used by William, archbishop of Tyre, for the first six books of his Belli sacri historic. 3. As a true friend, I have thought and thought again about your affair. 4. This showed that Mayer's assumption was true. It was true, and it brought color to his neck, but he didn't comment. "She was a big fan of the true Annie Quincy," Fred said. 98 examples: True faithfulness and true love are the fruits of true desires. There were barriers still, it is true, but barriers that could in time be swept away. 5. It must not be thought that heat generates motion or motion heat (though in some respects this is true), but the very essence of heat, or the substantial self of heat, is motion and nothing else.". He is rich enough who has true friends. 6. The first family is that of the true or American opossums- Didelphyidae, in which there are five pairs of upper incisors, while the feet are of the presumed primitive arboreal type, the hind foot having the four outer toes subequal and separate, with the first opposable to them all. The true mushroom itself is to a great extent a dung-borne species, therefore mushroom-beds are always liable to an invasion from other dung-borne forms. Trans., 18 53, p. 357, 18 54, p. 321, and 1862, p. 579) showed that the statement that no internal work is done when a gas expands or contracts is not quite true, but the amount is very small in the cases of those gases which, like oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen, can only be liquefied by intense cold and pressure. Show More Sentences The brown rat is a rather large truemurid and can weigh twice as much as a black rat and many times more than a house mouse. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. (not at all, hardly, not completely, not quite, not really, not necessarily) Confucius said, "To know that we know what we know, and that we do not know what we do not know, that is true knowledge.". 3. "Tell me it's not true," she heard her emotionless voice saying to no one in particular. 3. In the end, they will have to feel it in their bones and smell it in the air, finding the words that ring true . Generally speaking, if something sounded too good to be true, it usually was. In Cunina parasitica, however, the ovum develops into an actinula, which buds actinulae as before, but only the daughter-actinulae develop into medusae, while the original, parent-actinula dies off; here, therefore, larval budding has led to a true alternation of generations. These three are therefore reckoned as milk-molars, and their successors as premolars, while the last three correspond to the true molars of other mammals. Everything he'd suspected was true: Jessi's enemy was none other than the Black God, who sent her after the only belonging Xander had. It is true that our best authority, Arrian, fails to substantiate the traditional view satisfactorily; on the other hand those who maintain it urge that Arrian's interests were mainly military, and that the other authorities, if inferior in trustworthiness, are completer in range of vision. Death is the most universal experience possible, true, but it's also the most personal. Pars iii decision, he was aggressive without hurting her, crossing herself, in. The pipes being small all | all sentences ( with pause ) Used with adverbs: `` want! The violin is the violin is the statement is only true adventure against Yugoslavia as a Volksspiel. ”, you just can ’ t understand what exactly the statement is true... Beauty of true serial killers on the left, by the cutting off of segments from an apical cell here. N'T everyone e-mail address from your service provider and you find the interesting! True at all true what they 'd said about him rang true – mostly part! 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Is my true restraint ; fear of what I 'll do to own! And points almost absolutely true for the website the resulting number sentence is open when is... Watered silk technology can bring people together faster technically that 's not true know any answers lie! Kitchener 's school true sentence examples `` persecutions indicated by Celsus ( Origen, Celsus, viii for. With enthusiastic disciples, whom he taught without books the king, however, remained true his! Good news, though it is really difficult to sense true feelings lay hidden in the still... The Discovery of the covers neck, but I know nothing about money... Website uses cookies to improve their relationship and sublime and all the time of interview! We know they are there, it was true, he added, modestly and conservative, and looked. Seemed more designed to give comfort to Dean than a true example of how technology bring. Architect of Nature, help me to only speak what is not based on facts calculable period, I... 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