We record every detail he sees eliminating his need to remember license plate and such. It gratifies me very much to find that you remember me so kindly. You are essentially issuing an order in the imperative ("Remember") and the entire clause "it's better to be safe than sorry" is the object of that command. I don't remember being born, but I mean, I grew up in Indiana and moved to Atlanta for college and stayed after I graduated. Deidre didn't remember what this operation was supposed to do. He does not remember me. Remember no one ought to interfere in such matters! "We're in this together, remember?" I remember his caressing touch as he led me from tree to tree, from vine to vine, and his eager delight in whatever pleased me. I can't remember his name. "I remember you didn't answer," she said dryly. You might remember the story of Kyle MacDonald who famously traded up from one red paperclip to a house, one small exchange at a time between July 2005 and July 2006. Now she could remember it and weep or pray. In one sentence, state a class you have in the evening. If there is a dramatic pause after remember, you might use a colon and then cap the complete sentence. You remember when I looked in the mirror for you... at Otradnoe at Christmas? The only businesses I remember are the feed store and a dress shop named McGuire's Clothing. "Remember," she said, holding up the necklace. You did that last night, no matter what you choose to remember. He remembered the feeling of burning all over his body, the pain, sounds and smells from the accident. But having taken a dozen steps he seemed to remember something and stopped. I can rememberthe heady days of … "You remember what I told you about family?" Frequent Predecessors. But at least Annie Quincy had one happy day to remember. She felt like she stood at the door of a plane fifteen thousand feet in the air getting ready to skydive, only she didn't remember packing a parachute. I'm trying to remember. "Remember" I can't remember. Remember definition is - to bring to mind or think of again. He didn't remember when this man had arrived or why he was supposed to remember him. If she had any conception, there is no way of discovering it now; for she cannot remember, and obviously there was no record at the time. Darian didn't remember it any more than he remembered much of the thousands of years he spend enslaved by Jonny's predecessor. I can't remember the last time I tasted one, he whispered. He couldn't remember ever feeling this nervous. I've tried using dashes before and after the word remember. Remember I'm dining with the McDonalds tonight. And on taking leave of the governor's wife, when she again smilingly said to him, "Well then, remember!" People are always disturbing him, answered Pierre, trying to remember who this young man was. He declared that he did not wish to remember her existence and warned her not to dare to let him see her. Howie doesn't remember any details of his prior life; family; studying for the priest hood, college... a blank slate and he can't find the chalk. How to use remember in a sentence. Would. Remember, which is as disposable as a sandwich bag. Use Semicolons in a Serial List. Remember the Warren Bennis quote I used earlier about the factory of the future having only one man and one dog? He turned to see Katie supporting Hannah as they entered the Sanctuary courtyard. There are 2 structures we can use with “remember”: “remember” + infinitive form of a verb “remember” + ING form of a verb (gerund) The meaning of “remember” in both of these structures is slightly different. When Martha first came here, we thought I might be pregnant, remember? "Of course we remember, Martha," Cynthia said. Our math professor taught us a simple mnemonic for remembering how to complete the equation. Dusty didn't remember dozing off but snapped awake. Taken altogether, it was a dreadfully long name to weigh down a poor innocent child, and one of the hardest lessons I ever learned was to remember my own name. She didn't remember, and she didn't care. CK 1 2107669 We remember . 2. I'm not sure, but I'm guessing his head injury caused him to not understand, or even remember what happened. It's not like you and I who remember our parents; he literally just met his mother for the first time! He should've let you remember every wrong you committed so you could relive them every second of every day. My heart was racing as I tried to remember the route Martha had taken this morning. How can he remember well his ignorance--which his growth requires--who has so often to use his knowledge? I can’t remember when I saw him last. growled Jim, as if he resented Zeb's speech. Sentence Examples. Prince Andrew again pondered as if trying to remember something. I can't really remember what won, though at the time, I thought it all very forward looking and exciting. It was then that he rememberedthe book of matches in his pocket, and drew it out. 15. "You remember," said Sonya with a solemn and frightened expression. In neither of the sentences above is there a need for a comma. Maybe it would help her remember who she was. Remember, dear boy," and he drew Pierre's arm downwards, "it is simply a misunderstanding. Her dark curls cascaded down her shoulders, and her face glowed. Remember in grade school when one of those bullies would put you in a half-nelson or whatever you call it, and twist your arm up your back? You remember the chamber where you were earlier? I remember a Bruins hockey player with a metal plate in his head. Sentencedict.com is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words. My dreams, the few times I remember them, are always about things that happened recently; people I just interacted with. "You wouldn't remember to put your clothes on in the morning if I didn't tell you, Effie," Claire muttered. A damned good thing Howie doesn't remember. After the Emperor had left Moscow, life flowed on there in its usual course, and its course was so very usual that it was difficult to remember the recent days of patriotic elation and ardor, hard to believe that Russia was really in danger and that the members of the English Club were also sons of the Fatherland ready to sacrifice everything for it. Completely. I wish I could remember who told me about the trick, and where they got it from. Tips for Using camaraderie in a Sentence. He wolfed down the sandwich Bianca made him, unable to remember the last time he'd eaten breakfast. Do you remember at Braunau he commanded an army for three weeks and did not once mount a horse to inspect his entrenchments.... Can you remember any breakfast that I've had today? How well I remember the graceful draperies that enfolded me, the bright autumn leaves that wreathed my head, and the fruit and grain at my feet and in my hands, and beneath all the piety of the masque the oppressive sense of coming ill that made my heart heavy. She did remember bringing him back from the dead ten years before in order to help her with her plan and how cold he'd been to her then. Her father's collection of weapons had been a source of curiosity for as long as she could remember. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. The Word "Remember" in Example Sentences. When to Use “A” in a Sentence. 328 84 Remember, be … He who receives a benefit should never forget it; he who bestows one should never, 28. I don’t remember that story. TIP Sheet WOULD, SHOULD, COULD . And suddenly everything changes : the old artist suddenly remembers his youth. I remember because you seemed so sincere. The remember list of example sentences with remember. It is a vitreous greenish blue, as I remember it, like those patches of the winter sky seen through cloud vistas in the west before sundown. The father had some health problem, if I remember. He didn't remember Xander, but Xander remembered him. The Word “Remember” at the Beginning. She reaches out and touches the leaves, and the world of growing things is hers, as truly as it is ours, to enjoy while she holds the leaves in her fingers and smells the blossoms, and to remember when the walk is done. I remember what he said. I vividly remember both artists eagerly admiring Scottie’s work, squabbling in their fierce, theatrical, Gallic voices over who would buy which piece. I think the best thing to do is try to remember all the good times you had. Sarah and Connor are going to Maine today and we have a date in my music room, remember? Do you remember buying me lunch? Example sentences for "remember" in popular movie and book plots He is dressed in an Air Force flight suit, but he does not remember who he is or how he got there. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. You may have an easier time writing sentences with camaraderie if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence. I can even remember most of the common letter substitutions. Our math professor taught us a simple mnemonic for remembering how to complete the equation. You can use semicolons to divide the items of a list if the items … He drank it eagerly, looking with feverish eyes at the door in front of him as if trying to understand and remember something. But he knew he must remember him as he did his master. All he could see in his head was kiri sobbing and the dreams she'd made him remember. Remember that you have still to answer to our offended country for the loss of Moscow. he drew her aside. You remember what you were thinking when you turned down my offer the first time? It's not that I don't remember--I know what he is like, but not as I remember Nikolenka. We're done.". I don't remember ever feeling underdressed, though. I remember how he began speaking to him about Lise as if she were alive--he had forgotten she was dead--and Tikhon reminded him that she was no more, and he shouted, 'Fool!'. Except I can't remember anything beyond my twenty-six years. We can remember a noun. But just remember, it's the country that I'm interested in exploring. He tried to remember whether he had not done anything else that was foolish. However, the exact meaning of “remember” depends on the structure of the sentence. Example Sentences for "remember" Please remember that while travelling abroad, you are acting as an unofficial ambassador of your country. We can't remember all that we hear, so we make pens and paper. "Do you remember those birds?" We all remember ours but yours is missing. Example sentences with the word remembering. You'd think after oh, a few thousand years, you'd remember, Jule. Both of us tried to remember details of Quinn's actions when he set up a session. she asked. Even if they were together at the full moon, neither would remember. But you must remember I'm old, and my dashing days are past and gone. He couldn't remember the last time he'd found any woman so intriguing. 3. Doesn't see anything, doesn't remember anything, she went on, repeating her usual phrases. Miss Sullivan says that both she and Miss Keller remember "in their fingers" what they have said. I tried to remember on which side of the Pace Arrow it was parked. said Mr. (e.g., I have art class in the evening.) She swallowed hard, willing herself to remember that she was meant for Gabriel, even if it was Darkyn's name on her back. But then, they seemed to remember everything - probably because they kept it revived for entertainment. "If everyone is reduced to the same level, it might help people remember we're all the same," Kelli added. So remember, these are my memoirs; hand them to the Emperor after my death. Examples of Mnemonic in a sentence. But a … Sometimes weird things like that happen. Jule was quiet, trying hard to remember something from before the Schism besides brief glimpses of Darian and Damian. Saturday was one of those days with weather so perfect as to remember weeks after its passing. Stretching, she couldn't ever remember feeling so relaxed or deeply sated. I've seen the book somewhere,but I don't, 28. He didn.t remember his power being so strong. He was on to that trick back at the Whitney Motel, remember? He says he cannot remember and only vaguely remembers his name. Remember, the police were sure the rope was cut when Shipton was part way down. "As you remember," he said, "I questioned the fountain pen before, earlier in this here investigation. In fact, she couldn't remember a time when she had felt worse. If there was a way to make him see what was in her head … to make him remember … she focused on Damian's memories, the ones before the dark age, when he and his brother were happy. Something I said made her think she detected in my words a confession that I did remember Miss Canby's story of "The Frost Fairies," and she laid her conclusions before Mr. Anagnos, although I had told her most emphatically that she was mistaken. I remembered that we had made the last of the coffee the day before. Her small body cradled in his arms, he wasn't able to remember the last time he felt so relaxed. Several weeks ago, you bought two assignations from Gabriel. And not the face she had known ever since she could remember and had always seen at a distance, but the timid, feeble face she had seen for the first time quite closely, with all its wrinkles and details, when she stooped near to his mouth to catch what he said. But I remember that our great poet once said: You won't have to go eat the other foods; the system will remember every meal you have had and will log your headaches. Remember, for you everything depends on this. "Remember, we're not fools at my end," Brennan said with a hint of defensiveness. 2. I remember the morning that I first asked the meaning of the word, "love.". God, don't you remember those first few weekends? This is a suicide and you guys don't handle suicides, remember? I don't remember much about the parents except they didn't like me. We may shmuck around the facts a little and lie when we threaten him but we're still the good guys, remember? In fact, until the death of her family, she rarely ever dreamed – or at least didn't remember them. Can you still remember when we first met? 2. I was in another group. How did they happen to remember one camper nearly three weeks ago? Although no punctuation is valid, I think in this case at least a comma is called for. This is a public lodging place, remember? She gave me a couple of hundred bucks and left me at this bus station in this little town in Illinois—I don't remember the name. But until they choose to remember that, they ask another favor of you, their last. Page 1. I don't remember agreeing to that. She didn.t remember him being so tall in Hell, but she.d been afraid to look too hard at him when she passed his cell. I vaguely remember from several years ago some sort of shoe. "I see you remember the last time we met," she said, desire clouding her gaze. You asked me to drive you home, don't you remember? Examples of remembering in a sentence: 1. I don't remember us ever not being on a tight budg­et. Find more ways to say remember, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. asked Boris quietly with a pleasant smile. Page 1. He seemed at ease with himself, another thing she didn't remember about him. Most girls wanted to be a princess at some point in their youth, though she couldn't specifically remember that wish. Follow the instructions below to learn how and when inverted sentences are used in English. "The first was this, which I didn't understand, the second … you remember the second, and the third …" She trailed off, pensive. I never made a speech or a sermon... at least one I remember. The criteria for what constitutes a sentence are satisfied twice in each example. 7. Remember that, my dear, and be nice to him, as you so well know how to be. I remember distinctly when she first attempted to read a little story. Groggily, she couldn't remember taking drugs. Alice, you do remember you're already married, right? "You weren't supposed to remember anything before Toby appeared in your life," he said. Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary: Chatterbox can't remember anything else.. Purdue has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. Rhyn stopped in place. She couldn't remember the last time she felt halfway decent. I remember, yes, I remember you with the standard! Remember, no effort that we make to attain something beautiful is ever lost. I've tried commas. I do not remember what they all were; but I do know that MOTHER, FATHER, SISTER and TEACHER were among them. "Remember this, Prince Andrew, if they kill you it will hurt me, your old father..." he paused unexpectedly, and then in a querulous voice suddenly shrieked: "but if I hear that you have not behaved like a son of Nicholas Bolkonski, I shall be ashamed!". he told Dean. It was difficult to remember step by step but I didn't want to get it wrong. But you remember some more of the number, don't you? Deidre couldn't remember it ever happening before, but it almost made sense to her. Just remember, this guy is extremely dangerous. The restlessness was gone from his blood, his body relaxed in a way he couldn't remember feeling. As if it were yesterday I remember the preparations, the departure with my teacher and my mother, the journey, and finally the arrival in Boston. How could she remember everything but her child? She pushed at the black wall again, wanting to remember. "You weren't supposed to remember anything," he replied calmly. He should try and remember every detail he sees. The other indefinite article is "a." No, she didn't remember who'd called or even if they left a name. Rostov looked at him, trying to remember where he had seen him before. If she'd chosen to leave, he wouldn't send her away without a night she'd remember for all time. she asked. Wasn't there something she was supposed to remember? She couldn't remember the last time she'd been so honest or embarrassed, and in front of a complete stranger! Do you remember what I taught you about killing? "You're not going to remember a thing in the morning," Dean warned, happy to change the subject. “In thinking about my first grade teacher, I remember that she had brown … I remember that the day the Latin paper was brought to us, Professor Schilling came in and informed me I had passed satisfactorily in German. Synonym Discussion of remember. He still wore only pajama bottoms and couldn't even remember who'd dialed 911 to summon the troops. They started, suddenly remembering his presence. For jazz aficionados, too, New Year's will be a night to remember. 2111799 I remember . He flung his head back, trying to remember the last time he'd felt some semblance of peace. To make your life a sound structrure that will serve others and fulfil your own potential, you have to, 29. The realization may be accompanied by a rush of emotion that is interpreted as the impact of … I remember well the first time I went to the theatre. "But remember," Dean continued, "your mother has a major say in what happens to you. You remember how your condo building came down this morning an hour before you planned? (e.g., The class starts at seven p.m.) I tried to remember names on buildings but just being there was so awesome it was difficult to concentrate. If my mother happened to be near I crept into her arms, too miserable even to remember the cause of the tempest. I remember the surprise and the pain I felt as I noticed that they placed their hands over mine when I talked to them and that they read books with their fingers. How to use remember in a sentence. "You gotta remember the times," Fred said. he asked. I rushed to a rest room and threw up a meal I didn't remember eating. "I don't remember this trail," he said indicating a rocky trail that led straight up the mountain. A wish for your wonderful birthday that brings a world of bright and lovely things to remember each day through the year. If you remember people or events from the past, you still have an idea of them in your mind and you are able to think about them. I remember the eagerness with which I made discoveries about them. Remember that, the next time you make love to her. If you don't remember where you buried the bone, it isn't going to be much help when you get hungry later. They.ll eventually remember their duty to the Code. Never be afraid to be yourself. How to use remember in a sentence. He couldn't remember when he'd last had a full five hours of his own, and he knew he wasn't likely to get another break for a while. Remember definition is - to bring to mind or think of again. You don't remember Boris? He knew without Martha's map he'd never remember the various turns he and Cynthia had taken to where the skeleton had reposed for over fifty years. I'm editing a manuscript right now that has the sentence: I’m in college remember and I need this job at the moment. Deidre went back to the pantry, trying to remember what human-Deidre ate. From Cambridge English Corpus. Synonym Discussion of remember. You're the son of some whore I don't even remember! - Where Is Everybody? "Do you remember this, or do I have to teach you?" All Rights Reserved. But I cannot remember any instance in which this feeling prevented me from repeating the naughtiness when I failed to get what I wanted. He didn't remember what made the scars, and he didn't realize how many there were. CK 1 2245711 I do remember . vaguely remember in a sentence - Use "vaguely remember" in a sentence 1. The German tutor was trying to remember all the dishes, wines, and kinds of dessert, in order to send a full description of the dinner to his people in Germany; and he felt greatly offended when the butler with a bottle wrapped in a napkin passed him by. I remember he can give you something I can't. As we hastened through the long grass toward the hammock, the grasshoppers swarmed about us and fastened themselves on our clothes, and I remember that my teacher insisted upon picking them all off before we sat down, which seemed to me an unnecessary waste of time. And to this day, millions of people remember and honor the name of Gautama, as that of the great lover of men. remember (v): to recall; to keep something in your memory Listen to all | All sentences (with pause) In fact, I can't actually rememberthe last time I had such a eureka moment. She tried to tell you she didn't remember me. If people are talking about a game they used to play when they were children, you could say, “Oh yeah, I remember that game”. "If I remember correctly, this realm belongs to Jonny and me," Damian said with a spark of anger. I can even describe exactly what she was wearing. At the moment, he wasn't able to remember what Erik's was. And remember those three little numbers; 911. He whispers the telling words, "I remember.". (Remember, we are talking about the universe's physical infrastructure, not sinners with free will.) A major say in what happens to you ’ Jean still vividly remembers the horror of August 4 2015... I would have remembered North Street to be tackling this business in an fashion. With Norfolk since that first call viewed you as nothing more than an arm ornament original worth... Sent to that Cece gal I was afraid he 'd dwelled long what... You say those days with weather so perfect as to remember names on buildings but being! 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