The egg spores in the raccoon droppings are light and can become airborne, and people can breathe them in and become infected. Introduction. We look forward to having you here. The UK banned handguns in 1997, but citizens are still able to own and shoot some shotguns and rifles with a license. The droppings of raccoons can contain raccoon roundworm. Members of the public may own sporting rifles and shotguns, subject to licensing. Infection of humans can lead to larval parasite migration to the central nervous system. Laws differ and are generally less restrictive in Northern Ireland.Concerns have been raised over the availability of illegal firearms. In Indiana and other states, the owner must have a wild animal permit. They're not. You can keep anything you like as a pet in the UK - AND scavenge all you like from abandoned houses, just don't get caught. This parasitic worm can and does infect humans. There is actually a large amount of money as a reward in america for the person who creates a bin that raccoons can't get into. Posted on 22 August, 2016. Cambridgeshire had one arrive from France as a stowaway on a lorry [1] (please make up your own Brexit gag). ). The fur and skin of endangered animals or fish, or goods made from them, such as jewellery, shoes, bags and belts are banned for trade import into the UK unless you have a … Sightings of raccoon dogs in the wild have prompted environmental groups to call for a ban on the species as pets in the UK. Even though raccoons are legal in these states, the person who owns the raccoon may need to follow special rules or get a permit before acquiring the animals. For example, in Arkansas, a person can’t own more than five raccoons at a time. Dr Niall Moore, head of the … A Sky news report in May highlighted that more people in Britain are keeping lions, tigers, snakes and even crocodiles as pets. Exotic pets you are allowed to own in the UK. Description: A medium-sized, stocky mammal with a distinctive black mask, outlined in white, over the eyes.Another distinguishing feature is the bushy tail with 4 to 7 alternating rings of black and yellowish-gray, which is about half the total body length. Can You Own a Raccoon Dog? Britain put on high RACCOON alert: US mammal could become a pest and devastate native wildlife, expert warns. In the United Kingdom, access by the general public to firearms is subject to some of the strictest control measures in the world. BTW racoons are not native to the UK, so you'd have to sedate one, put it in your hand-luggage and tell customs it's furry négligée. Please read up more about them and talk to people who own them and/or zoo keepers. From cute capybaras, curious kinkajous and terrifying tarantulas, we here at, have rounded up 15 of the weirdest pets that you can actually own in the UK- take a gander and see if any take your fancy… (the pygmy goat and the capybara are currently topping the list in our office! The Raccoon is a familiar masked, nocturnal mammal is found state-wide in Tennessee.