Cannot get module EEPROM information: Invalid argument I2C bus and EEPROM of the Linux driver design I am in the development of embedded Linux system based on MPC8250 found in the I2C bus in the embedded system widely used, I2C bus controller type is more, the system provides the operating interface is also very different. Linux kernel source tree. If the EEPROM keeps only one address for both reads and writes, then you will read from the end of the data you just wrote. [root@localhost ~]# ethtool -m em1 [ 9963.838888] i40e 0000:09:00.0 em1: Module EEPROM memory read not supported. With a fully I2C capable master, you would use i2ctransfer to achieve the same in a safe and faster way. -E --change-eeprom If value is specified, changes EEPROM byte for the specified network device. since you are using 16 bit addresses you may also need to be careful about byte ordering of those. This is a simple EEPROM module meant to enable reading the first 256 bytes of an EEPROM (on a SDRAM DIMM for example). Unix & Linux Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for users of Linux, FreeBSD and other Un*x-like operating systems. If value is not specified, stdin is read and written to the EEPROM. The safety concerns raised above still stand, however in this case there is no SMBus equivalent, so this is the only way to read data from a large EEPROM if your master isn't fully I2C capable. Let's for example connect an AT24 EEPROM with address 0x56 to the I2C0 bus, and provide user with a simple read/write interface to it: Enable the EEPROM driver in the Linux kernel configuration (Device Drivers -> Misc devices -> EEPROM support -> I2C EEPROMs / RAMs / ROMs from most vendors): [yur@ubuntu ~/projects/rootfs] $ make kmenuconfig Ask Question Asked 4 years, 7 months ago. The length and offset parameters allow writing to certain portions of the EEPROM. Browse other questions tagged linux-device-driver embedded-linux i2c sysfs eeprom or ask your own question. However, it will access serial EEPROMs on any I2C adapter. I tried running FT_PROG in Wine with no success, and so tried installing libftdi. Default is to dump the entire EEPROM. As another example let's connect an AT24 EEPROM with address 0x56 to the I2C1 bus, and provide user with a simple read/write interface to it: Enable the EEPROM driver in the Linux kernel configuration (Device Drivers -> Misc devices -> EEPROM support -> I2C EEPROMs / RAMs / ROMs from most vendors): [yur@ubuntu ~/projects/rootfs] $ make kmenuconfig ... To read data from the EEPROM, set R / W = 1. offset and value specify which byte and it's new value. P.S. Linux i2c eeprom sysfs. Contribute to torvalds/linux development by creating an account on GitHub. Linux I2C Aardvark, the user has read the information on the page Linux I2C Driver and understands how to use the sysfs and EEPROM drivers in Linux. Dear Sir, I am Shidlingayya India, i am new to unix problem is present-> I have to read the eeprom locations from 0 to 255 locations in separate file..i wrote the code for this as follow | The UNIX and Linux Forums You can read from the EEPROM using the following command in your terminal $ ethtool –e eth0 offset 0 length 512 You can write an EEPROM image file to the EEPROM using the following command $ ethtool –E eth0 magic 0x78A5 offset 0 length 512 < eeprom.bin Note: eeprom.bin must be a correctly prepared EEPROM image file. ... how to read all bios settings in linux programmatically. When built with the confuse library installed, libftdi also builds a utility called ftdi_eeprom, which can be used to read, flash and erase FT2xx IC’s configuration and EEPROM, much like the FT_PROG GUI utility can on Windows. Please update the NVM image.